FOAB Information

Friday 8 May 2020

Strange Journey Of The 15 Page Intelligence Dossier

With 270,000 deaths worldwide from Coronavirus, it is quite right that we ask the question of how this came about.
Donald Trump seems to know the answer and is blaming China for it but that is widely expected to be a ruse to deflect attention from his own shambolic and embarrassing reaction which has left America with the highest death toll in the World.
When asked if he has evidence to back up his claim that it began in a Chinese laboratory, he has cited 'significant evidence' and claims a 15 page intelligence document compiled by Western Governments on China's culpability that overwhelmingly points to the virus having leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Interestingly, the US director of national intelligence issuing a very public statement disparaging this theory, as has the Australians and the British who are quickly stating that they were not part of the 'intelligence document'.
The journey of the document is especially interesting once it is not known that media outlets involved are all owned by big friend of Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch.
Last Weekend, the Australian Daily Telegraph launched a 'World Exclusive' with a leaked 15-page research dossier on the Chinese government’s fault for the outbreak, referring indirectly to the 'Five Eyes intelligence community' of the US, UK, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand intelligence services, three of which have since come out and denied they are involved.
The 'exclusive' asserts that the research dossier validates the claim by Donald Trump that the virus came from the Wuhan laboratory, a claim repeated by the Murdoch journalist who broke the 'exclusive' on the Murdoch-owned US cable TV network Fox News, interviewed by Trump’s personal favourite presenter and cheerleader, Tucker Carlson, who agrees that the dossier 'is confirmation of what we’ve suspected'.
So the dossier which was leaked from the White House to a Murdoch newspaper, is then resold back into the US political audience by the very same Murdoch media as a document with the Worlds intelligence agencies involved but was actually full of theories from an under pressure American Administration who now cite the dossier laundered through a foreign nation, as evidence. 
The reaction of denial of the theory from the Australian, British and Trumps own intelligence community has been swift and the Worlds Health Organisation say that there is no evidence to suggest that the Coronavirus leaked from a Chinese research laboratory nor have they received any data or specific evidence from the U.S. government relating to the purported origin of the virus.
Trump's significant evidence is therefore his own theory, handed to a friendly media outlet with dubious links to intelligence and then repackaged back to his his own citizens as evidence.
I'm sure some will fall for it, Trump is relying on enough Americans doing just that, but the intelligence community has made a good start on dismissing it as a work of fiction, they just may need to shout it louder to make sure.

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