FOAB Information

Friday 15 May 2020

The Boris Roadmap

The penny seems to have dropped with someone in the Trump team that he is not to be trusted in company without saying something racist, stupid or stupidly racist so he is being kept away from the cameras which is the same tactic the UK Government is taking with Boris Johnson especially after his car crash of a speech on Sunday when he told us, well, nobody is sure what he told us but STAY ALERT anyway.
He waffled about following the science but didn't explain why our science is different to everybody else's science but if he had followed the science of South Korea or Hong Kong things may not be so bad that he had to stop comparing us to other nations at the Daily briefings, only the USA is now above us at the top of the grim League Table and they have a certified moron running their show.
The promised 100k daily tests target has been reached just twice and both times that was by fudging the results to count tests posted out so not actual tests and the NHS app is proving to be as reliable as a Tory pledge to save the NHS.
At least we have Boris's roadmap to get us out of lock-down which judging by everything he has done, hopefully takes in some ICU's of Hospitals on the route because this is far from over.

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