FOAB Information

Saturday 27 June 2020

Not Our Fault Guv, Honest

When the Conservatives won the election in 2019, they probably didn’t foresee a pandemic on the list of challenges they would be facing while in office and as we are currently languishing third in the awful league of death, it shows.
Boris Johnson and inept crew have come in for some major criticism for their handling of the Covid-19 crisis and they have acted like a man, taken it on the chin, stood up to be counted and blamed everyone else and as the death toll has began to rise again, it's down to 'people taking liberties' with the social distancing.
So the general public not keeping the 1m+ rules to heart are the current scapegoats but there have been plenty of other groups who the Government have point the finger at since March.  
The lack of Personal Protective Equipment was not down to the Government allowing stocks to dwindle to record lows and then messing up ordering more, it was NHS staff using too much of it and although on the face of it footballers don't have much say in funding the services in the NHS, they should 'take a pay cut and play their part' and 'donate directly to hospices struggling for funds' but no mention that the reason they were struggling for funds was down to a decade of chronic under-funding by the Conservative Government, that bit slipped his mind obviously.
As supplies become scarce, credible suppliers were urged to 'step up to supply the crucial things needed to fight Coronavirus, from ventilators to PPE' however many said they not only stepped up but said that their offers of manufacturing help have been ignored or missed by the government and had heard nothing back, despite reaching out in order to help produce or supply the much-needed PPE.
So the Government have pointed the finger at the public, NHS Staff, footballers and PPE suppliers for failing in their role to stop the virus but like a government advisor simultaneously breaking the law while not actually breaking the law, such contortions take a certain level of delusion and plain old bullspit to pull off.

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