FOAB Information

Monday 22 June 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Elizabeth Bathory

Scientific reasoning was not so advanced in 16th Century Hungary so to many minds back then, wanting to bathe in the blood of young female servants and the daughters of local peasant to recapture a long lost youth made perfect sense so sorry we lived in a time when the best doctors advice to avoid the plague was to carry a lucky rabbits foot.
I was a countess, widely regarded as a bit of a babe in my time but as i aged my looks went south and to make it worse my castle staff was mostly beautiful young women in the prime of their lives and the rumour was that i tortured many of them to death and then drained them of their blood and took a bath in it, the number mentioned is 650 which may explain my suspiciously high turnover of staff.
Equally suspicious was the fact that all of my accusers were people who wanted my stuff and after the death of my husband, my accusers now owed me money to me as i was left with his fortune and collecting his debts with the largest debtor being the King himself.
His Royal Highness got together a group to 'investigate' me, a group of similar debtors and members of my own family who were ticked off at my new wealth who amazingly 'discovered' that i had been killing my servants girls and that i was a witch and one expert eyewitness testimony told how they had seen me having sex with the devil himself which showed how reliable they were but it was the offer of getting me out the way which was made by my family who promised to cancel the Kings debts that was the clincher.
I was never put on trial for murder, the King decided that i was put on house arrest for the rest of my life, which due to 16th-century medicine, thankfully wasn't long as they refused to let me keep my rabbit foot.

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