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Wednesday 3 June 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Neville Chamberlain

I have been accused of sucking up to Hitler and being an appeaser but during the rise of the Third Reich, i went to meet with one of the most sinister, evil man in history and returned declaring that, in exchange for giving Hitler small chunks of Europe, there would be 'peace'.
History would eventually prove me wrong obviously and my name has become synonymous with negotiating with an enemy rather than immediately bombing them off the map.
As the alternative to my deal was everyone dying in war, my popularity shot up to 68% as above all else, the British people did not want to get into another freaking war less than two decades after the last devastating one.
With hindsight, Hitler wasn't exactly a trustworthy guy and making the deal with him looks bad now, because we know it ends with millions dead in gas chambers, but it wasn't so easy at the time and i came back home from Munich making the deal with Hitler having bought a period of peace that i spent rapidly building the military that would eventually be strong enough to repel the Nazis.
The Parliament turned on me and i was removed, replaced by Winston Churchill who had no qualms for a bit of war against a racist using concentration camps, especially as Hitler was using the idea of concentration camps as advocated by Churchill in South Africa and was previously refused a place in Cabinet due to the racist, Hitler-esque views he held.
I did say that if Germany invaded Poland, Britain, France and the USSR would go to war with Germany which we did but my reputation was shot by then and the press and fellow MPs turned on me and i died six months after leaving office of bowel cancer.
At my funeral Churchill did say: 'Neville Chamberlain acted with perfect sincerity and strove to save the world from the awful, devastating struggle in which we are now engaged' and then in his book, 'The Gathering Storm' the fat drunk slating me for being a rubbish Prime Minister.

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