FOAB Information

Sunday 14 June 2020

To The Left, ALL Lives Matter

I'm not certain how the Black Lives Matter became a left v right thing although as i have noted here ad nauseum, not all racists are right wing but all the racists are on the right wing and as one of the chants from the self-identified right wing protest yesterday was 'We Are Racist', seems like many of them turned up to spend Saturday afternoon lobbing bottles at police and urinating up memorials. 
I had a discussion of sorts with a small group of protester yesterday and tried to argue that as they were protesting against anti-racism protests, that puts them on the same side as the likes of Edward Colston, the slave trader whose statue was pulled down last week but they didn't see it that way, they seemed to think they were somehow protecting England, an England where people who forcibly snatched black people from their homeland and shipped them halfway around the World are celebrated obviously.
That's the problem with being terminally stupid, you may think you're not but you're actually too ignorant too realise and consider yourself smart but in reality, you're just window-shakingly stupid.
I will never understand the right wing mind or the people who hold right wing views, why would you? The left is all about sharing and equality for all and making things fairer for everyone but the right wing seems to be about keeping things unequal and to hell with everyone else as long as you and yours are okay, the mindset most often seen in children before their minds mature.
I have no problem with statues of the less savoury members of British history being removed, statues are built to commemorate and celebrate people and some of the people standing in city centres should certainly not be celebrated but if you are actively protesting against the anti-racism movement, anti anti-racism, that makes you at worst a racist or at best ignorant and very much part of the problem but it doesn't mean you have to become a left winger, just stop being a dick would help enormously because to the left, ALL lives matter, even yours.

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