FOAB Information

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Let The Mask Defying Idiots Stay At Home

Now that masks are becoming compulsory indoors, i guess will have to become used to wearing one again which i did to start with but it pretty quickly got left on the dashboard of my car and then lost and that's where it has stayed ever since.
One of the problems i have while wearing my mask for any length of time is my reading glasses fogging up and the nose pads becoming slippery and i ended up just taking the mask off anyway which defeats the purpose and i haven't really got a solution for that.
Another problem was talking to people through several layers of material which once again, i ended up pulling down to speak clearly and then pulling it back up again which again, misses the whole point of wearing masks.
Confusingly the official Government guidance states that evidence around wearing a face covering suggests that it doesn't protect you from Coronavirus and the evidence of coverings preventing the spread of infection from one person to another is 'marginal' but a scientific study showed that all face coverings were found to reduce the forward distance traveled by an exhaled breath by at least 90% so that has to be a good thing.
If nothing else it will be a constant reminder that there's a deadly disease going around and misted up reading glasses are only a minor inconvenience and there will be idiots from one side (the stoopid side) of the political spectrum, mirroring the (equally stoopid) one in the US, which will fume about having to wear a small piece of cloth over their mouths and noses but hopefully they will stay at home and not bother us, if we are lucky.

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