FOAB Information

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Derek Acorah

If i got a pound for every 'he never saw that coming' joke was said when i died i could have paid for a Platinum headstone but there were many psychic frauds around at the time when i was doing my thing, people like Uri Geller and Mystic Meg.
The gypsy with a ball thing is seriously overplayed, and there's only so much mileage you can get out of bending silverware and 0800 hotlines.
If you want to have any hope of convincing grieving individuals that their grandmother's dying wish was for them to transfer £££'s into your offshore bank account, you're going to need to be creative.
I was a regular on the TV show Most Haunted, stumbling around in abandoned asylums/old mansions/warehouses/castles with infrared video cameras looking for ghosts, during which i would inevitably communicate with spirits passing on ectoplasmic gossip, including one where i spoke to Mary who wanted to pass on the message that she loved her husband who unfortunately was named Dick, before i realised i was telling everyone Mary wants it known that she loves Dick.
A personal low was having my driving license taken away for drink driving and ploughing head-on into another persons car, one time that i literally didn't see what was coming.
There are few people left who consider TV spiritualism to be anything more than the second most wasteful use of a TV camera behind anything starring Piers Morgan but in my day it was popular and there was an untapped market of people wanting to see us shouting at each other through night vision cameras and me telling an angry male (always male) to leave and a trapped little ghost girl being told to walk into the light.
The good news is that i won't be staying off your screens for long though, i am delighted to announce i will be taking part in the next series of Most Haunted.

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