FOAB Information

Wednesday 29 July 2020

The Impressive Doctor

During an uncharacteristic bout of common sense, the Donald Trump team decided that him fronting the Coronavirus daily briefings where he advocated drinking bleach and playing down the hundred of thousands dead Americans was not a vote winner so they stopped them him doing altogether.
Seeing his poll figures dying like a Trump supporter who’s just mainlined a litre bottle of Harpic on the advice of their president, they decided to take a chance and let him infront of the cameras again and two days later he is defending his support for Dr Stella Immanuel who claims that people didn't need to wear masks and advocating the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Coronavirus amongst her other beliefs that women can be impregnated by witches and demons in their dreams and saying a vaccine is being developed to make people immune to becoming religious.
When questioned he said that: 'she was very impressive' which is more than he has said about the leading US infectious disease expert, Dr Anthony Fauci who he accused him of making mistakes in his coronavirus guidance to the American people.
Joe Biden and his team must be looking on and wondering just why they are only 9 points in front of Trump but i would be worried about the 41% of Americans who look and listen to their President and think, yeah, he's doing a decent job.
With 100 days to go, and with Trump getting more and more desperate as he sees his job slipping away, we can expect the fun and craziness to go to a new level, pending the Trump Election team allow him anywhere near a microphone that is.

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