FOAB Information

Saturday 4 July 2020

The Moronic Ox

In the UK, July 4th is just the fourth day of July but it is a thing in America for some reason and in the midst of a pandemic with 130,000 dead Americans what is called for is a unifying, somber presidential speech which inspires the hope that the coming months will be less bleak than those that preceded them which is exactly what Donald Trump didn't give, instead he stood in the the shadow of Mount Rushmore and attacked protestors and bashed the ongoing anti-racism uprising.
So far as expected from the son of a KKK member but then came the bizarre term 'far-left fascism' which is an oxymoron too far for even him, a man who is ironically both as large as an ox and a moron but i have heard the term previously and amusingly that was by right wing people with no sense of...actually, let us just leave that there, with no sense.
How you can be a lefty with a fascist ideology is best left to people with less brain cells to worry about but it is considered a way that the right wing pass the baton of Fascism on because the optics of having people like Hitler and Mussolini on your side of the ideological fence is not a good one, other unsuccesful attempts have been to try and persuade people that Hitler was a Socialist and when Mussolini wrote 'The Doctrine of Fascism', it was based on the book by Karl Marx.
I did try and check how the President's oxymoron was received with the Atheists Church Group, the Outdoor Rambling Agoraphobic's Society, the Jose Mourinho Arsenal Appreciation Club and the Jewish Pork Lovers Collective but they never returned my calls but there is one July 4th statistic that is interesting, three of the 44 people who have been America's President, three never woke up on July 5th. Just saying.

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