FOAB Information

Monday 27 July 2020

Trump Not Going Quietly

Although it isn't certain, it is looking more like America will get a grown up in charge following the Novermber Election but there are concerns that the 20 stone Orange lump currently sat in the Oval Office will just refuse to leave, claiming the result is rigged.
That America sits top of the Covid-19 Death League with 145,000 less alive Americans thanks to his decision making, it is hard to think that Trump considers he has done a bang up job but he is obviously deluded enough to think he has but could he just refuse to hand over the keys?
CNN has a scenario where swing states controlled by Republicans, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, all with a vested interest in keeping Trump in office delay the result due to problems with fraudulent mail-in ballots, something Trump is already setting the scene for, so citing irregularities and delays in the counting of the mail-in ballots, they declare Trump victorious in their state and award Trump their states’ electoral college votes.
The Democrats say they refuse to accept it and announce Joe Biden as the winner of these states and a lengthy court case ensues, meanwhile as Inauguration Day nears and the nation had no president-elect, the President declares martial law and the suspension of ordinary law and then all bets are off.
Seems a bit of a stretch but thats exactly what happened in the Hayes-Tilden election of 1876, when three separate states submitted conflicting electoral certificates declaring their side the winner and it was only the announcement that President Grant was weighing up declaring the martial law that a compromise was reached at the last second.
In 2000, the Supreme Court decided Bush was the winner when the 'hanging chad' votes were still being counted in Florida, the court stopping the counting so the Democrat Party are hoping that Trump gets beaten decisively and will indeed go quietly in November, probably to a Russian hotel room with waterproof bed sheets to lick his wounds.

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