FOAB Information

Friday 7 August 2020

Ending The Furlough Scheme

The UK Government havent got much right during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic but the furlough scheme where it paid 80% of an employees wages, was one of its very few successes.
Of course the pain will come later when we have to pay for it and with the bill expected to be in the region of £337 billion, that's a whole lot of pain looming at us down the road but it had to be done to save massive redundancies but there is a new problem now, getting people back to work.
I completely understand how after 4 months off on which amounts to paid leave, dragging yourself back to work is no fun, in my previous job i had a eight week gap in the summer and getting back into the routine is tough so i completely understand that.
I also get that the virus is still out there lurking and waiting for fresh new bodies to infect and the World Beating track and trace we were promised turned out to be a busted flush and the app, well, what app.
I get all that and the confusing signals sent out by the Government about staying 1m away from each other but under no circumstances should you get closer than 2m and the work from home but you should go into the office nonsense but i agree that the scheme should not be extended past October.  
Until then grab your hand sanitiser and your face mask and enjoy the Government paying you to bask in the summer sunshine while staying a safe distance away from others and you never know, come October, when the weather turns colder and we all lock ourselves indoors away from the cold, the smart money is on us looking at Lockdown Part 2 and a socially distanced Christmas and we can do it all again.

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