FOAB Information

Saturday 15 August 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Bobby Moore

My full name was Robert Frederick Chelsea Moore but i preferred to go by the name Bobby Moore, for obvious reasons, i mean Frederick!!
Football is a simple game played by even simpler people so if you want excitement, frustration and a garish replica shirt made out of material which will chafe your nipples, then football's the game for you but if you're after logic and common sense, then you'll have to look elsewhere.
I was famous for captaining the England national team to the 1966 World Cup, playing for West Ham for 16 years and that picture of me and Pele where it looks as though we are asking each other to do each other's washing but we was swapping shirts after a World Cup game in 1970 in Brazil, a tournament that was a bit more memorable for me than i wanted. 
We were defending the World Cup and we rocked up in Bogotá for a friendly against Colombia and when we got to the Hotel we decided to have a quick look in a jewellery shop in the lobby then next thing we know there's alarm bells going off and the shop assistant is saying i stole a ruby bracelet.
The local old bill charged me with the theft of the bracelet but i did my best innocent cockney bit, wringing a flat cap in my hands and whining 'it weren't not nuffink to do with me, mister, I ain't never not done it, I ain't never not done nuffink' and i was released just in time for the start of the tournament.
After 600 appearance for West Ham, i went to Fulham and then had a stint in America but those yanks understand the beautiful game about as much as they understand chocolate, you ever taste a Herschey Bar. WTF is that about??
After a lifetime of being a sporting hero, God decided he was going to reward me but he didn't go with the being eternally young and beautiful, no, he gave me his great gift of cancer.
Still i had a great life, ending up with lots of medals, England caps, an OBE, the undying adulation of a footballing nation and a lovely ruby bracelet.

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