FOAB Information

Friday 21 August 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Elizabeth Taylor

On the movie screen we see beautiful people lead impossibly exciting lives but once the cameras stop rolling, those actors are supposed to return to the same boring existence as everyone else but some of us didn't get that memo and my off-screen antics were just as unbelievable as anything in my movies.
I made my movie debut aged 10, slept with movie star and future President Ronald Reagan at 15, got married aged 18, 20, 25, 27, 32, 43, 44 and 59 and between eating wedding cake and visiting divorce lawyers, i knocked out some films including Cleopatra for which i was paid $1 million, the largest sum ever paid to an actress at the time. Like i said if someone’s dumb enough to offer me a million dollars to make a picture, I’m certainly not dumb enough to turn it down.
I also never turned down Richard Burton either, marrying, divorcing, remarrying, and divorced him again but no man could resist my film star looks which was due to a condition called distichiasis which is a a double row of eyelashes to flutter at any potential future husband.
With my career mostly behind me, i still had plenty to keep me occupied including a toy-boy new husband, polishing my Oscars and becoming an outspoken AIDS advocate when the disease killed my good friend Rock Hudson, this was back when people wouldn't touch an AIDS victim with a disinfected 10-foot pole.
At the time, members of the Reagan administration called it a gay plague and literally laughed about the disease in press conferences (although they were not so forthcoming on older men having sex with 15 year olds i noted) and when i said President Bush Sr. probably didn't even know how to spell AIDS i received death threats, because nothing screams insecure about one's own sexuality like intimidating a 60-year-old lady trying to help people, some of who happen to be gay, with a terminal illness.
I was such a diva that i had it written into my will that i wanted to be fashionably late to my own funeral, so the coffin turned up 15 minutes after everyone else, classy to the end.

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