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Friday 28 August 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Zhengde Emperor

The boring thing about Democracy is that they almost never elect truly crazy people, some are voted in that are a bit weird and some that are borderline crazy but not 100%, out of their tree loopy.
Back when rulers took the throne based only on their bloodline, they let pretty much anyone be emperor in those days and a nation could wind up under the rule of someone who was literally insane which must have been a nightmare for everyone involved who wasn't the Emperor.
Many of the ministers expected that i would become a benevolent and brilliant emperor like my father but i took the throne of the Chinese Empire as a immature 14 year old and remained 14 for the next decade and a half of my rule, building a whole fake city block on the imperial grounds where i would pretend to be a shopkeeper with my invisible friend called Zhu Shou whom i would send on raiding parties to fight the Mongols and he did well although we did share a thing about Eunuch's.
He would order the genitalia of captured soldiers to be cut off and strung up for display in public and i gave the Eunuch's in my court control over the government so i could devote myself to pleasure seeking, my thinking was if they got no testicles how much trouble can they cause.
Being a teenage boy with power, i indulged myself in women, at one point created a palace and initially housing exotic animals such as tigers and leopards but after one tiger clawed me when i tried to pet it, i had them all killed and turned it into a harem with as many beautiful women as i could find although i forgot to feed them and most of them died, my bad.
On another occasion i burned down my palace by storing gunpowder in the courtyard and i eventually died in predictable fashion after getting really drunk and falling off a boat during a fishing trip.
I don't know why China decided to pack in the whole Emporer thing, me and Zhu Shou thought it was a blast.

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