FOAB Information

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Saying Hello To Stupid

It seems that straight after the vaccination for Coronavirus has been found, the next most pressing thing to inoculate against is stupid because i swear people are getting stupider by the day, or possibly it was just the ones i met this weekend who tried to tell me that the Coronavirus doesn't exist and it is all a Government plot.
Bristol Council had better make with industrial amounts of sanitiser in Castle Park because this Bank Holiday saw a crowd of around 100 people telling everyone who would listen that they know it's a hoax, one i spoke to at a safe distance was a car mechanic who grudgingly agreed that he had no medical qualifications to speak of but he knew it was a hoax because he had researched it on the internet.
Call me picky but i don't consider him far enough up the World Health Organisation chain of command to take his word over the 99.99% of medical staff who believe that there is a virus ravishing the Planet at the moment and taking lives and who have to deal with it and whose patients are made up of people who refuse to take it seriously.
It is reminiscent of the Climate Change deniers who refused to believe the climate was changing until the hurricanes got stronger, the rivers started overflowing and the summers got fatally hotter and even now there are some who still refuse to believe it, literally while the flood water laps around their ankles.
Today's protest in my Town Centre was thankfully very small with six people with a loud speaker handing out leaflets and i am happy to say they got a bit of an earful from the passers-by for the hour that I was there, but i did get to speak to the leader who ran through why it is a hoax (Government control over us all) and how people like Bill Gates stand to make billions from it by selling us a vaccine to a virus that doesn't exist.
This time when i asked what medical background he had he was ready, and said that he had an extensive background in all things medical although he strangely refused to name where he trained or what qualifications he held, prefering to stick with his 'people need to open their eyes' and calling me a 'sheep who is being hoodwinked by the Governments'.
'All the Governments in the World' i replied, 'except one which means that on my side of the fence i have almost every medically trained person on the planet and every World Leader except one who is on your side, so you have Donald Trump and he suggested drinking bleach, how you feel about that'? 
By the way he huffed and walked off saying 'i don't get it' i would guess he didn't feel that chipper about it but he was right, i didn't get it but if he keeps going about things like he is, he will get it and unfortunatley pass it on to people who had the required amount of brain cells to not be in a town centre shouting that a killer virus doesn't exist.

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