FOAB Information

Sunday 20 September 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Annie Oakley

It's a sad fact that the most profitable place to open a clinic that specializes in penis enlargement operations would be next to a gun range but it may be men with small genitals that like to play with guns but as the owner of a pair of X chromosomes it doesn't apply to me.
After becoming a crack shot to support my family's hunting, i won several shooting competitions and then beat a circus sharpshooter at his own game after he had bet me $100 that i couldn’t win against him, i later married him. I then toured the country with Sitting Bull as part of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show, shooting dimes out of the air, snuffing out candles with one shot, and extinguishing smoking materials while they remained in men's mouths, one cigarette being shot from the gob of Kaiser Willhem of WWI fame.
One of my best tricks was turning my back and shooting at objects that were behind me using a mirror but not being the owner of testicles, the press hated me and ran several false stories and of the 55 suits i filed against the newspapers who ran the false stories to clear my name, i won or settled with all but one of them but the legal costs ended up being more than the settlements i received.
I was firm in my belief that with the exception of any penis related activity, i am of the opinion that anything a man can do, so can a woman and women could be just as skilled with guns as men, saying that i would like to see every woman know how to handle guns as naturally as they know how to handle babies.
As for the Second Amendment Gun Laws, obviously i am in favour so it is a shame that the people who try to defend it are idiots saying stupid things like it is all a left wing plot to disarm law abiding citizens so the Government can oppress them when another group of students end the days with bullet holes in them but don't listen to those soft limeys like this blog owner whose kids grew up playing with Barbies and Lego, American kids should be playing with guns in their bedrooms because a car made out of bright yellow lego bricks will be of no use in modern day America when someone starts to shoot up the local Walmart.

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