FOAB Information

Thursday 15 October 2020

Not Following The Science

One of the many criticisms aimed correctly at Boris Johnson back at the start of the pandemic that he was too slow to lock-down therefore allowing the virus a vital couple of weeks to do its damage before the situation got so bleak that he had no choice.
You would hope that now the much anticipated second wave is with us, he wouldn't make the same mistake again but it seems he learnt nothing from the desperately sad death toll in March because for the past three weeks the Medical and Science experts have been urging him to lock-down again to save lives, but he has ignored them.
Calling it a circuit break, they told him on 21 September that a two-week lock-down could cut Covid deaths by January by up to 49% and buy us some time but the Prime Minister, who i am not aware of holds any medical or scientific certificates, instead announced a new three-tier system of restrictions, which tighten in the areas with the highest rates of infections and hospital admissions.
With new infections now consistently topping 15,000 daily and each day bringing new cities and regions moved up into more severe High levels, the scientists have broken their silence to say that 'there are no good epidemiological reasons to delay the break as this will simply push back any benefits until later, leaving more time for additional cases to accumulate'.
The only reason seems to be that the economy will suffer by a complete two week stay at home order but the longer Boris delays taking that inevitable step, the higher the number will be when he is forced to do it and two weeks won't be long enough to drag the virus back to a manageable level.
Around the World, the nations where the battle against Coronavirus has been most successful, such as China, South Korea and New Zealand went fast and early with the lock-downs, the nations that never, the UK, USA and Brazil all sit amongst the top of the morbid deaths league table showing the only reliable way to keep people safe from the virus is to keep them at home and away from other people. 

1 comment:

  1. You mean where they say lock-downs should not be the primary method in controlling the virus? You spinning that to mean the WHO say don't lock-down or have i missed them saying that there shouldn't be lock downs?
