FOAB Information

Thursday 29 October 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Charlton Heston

I know this should be 500 words about my career and my legacy and my films such as The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, Planet of the Apes and the soap, The Colbys but i have unfinished business about what America is becoming thanks to liberal commies like the owner of this blog so i'm going to do the opposite of what she says and give my opinion on today's America.
In old America, the America I fell in love with, we dealt with stupid people very discretely. Now, i don't know if it's something in the water, or the lack of separate water fountains but i had it with the left and their call for blacks and homosexuals equality.  
There is increasingly no place in America for white, God fearing heterosexuals like me but my heart was with the NRA card carrying gun owning working stiff who just didn't count anymore in left wing America.  
I've had it with people whining about 'guns kill people,' guns don't kill people, ask any doctor, it's a medical fact. You can't die from a bullet. You can die from a cardiac arrest or organ failure or a major hemorrhage, a small piece of metal ain't the problem, the problem is the liberals using our educational system to brainwash our kids that guns are bad.
Someone’s breaking into your home. What do you do? Call 911?  By the time the police have turned up a burglar could have his way with your wife, smoked a cigarette, flipped her over and gone in for seconds. Our gun laws protect your family from the evil blacks, gays and the scourge of a liberal society, if you love your family, prove it by bringing a gun into the family home.  
It doesn't makes me a racist because i consider blacks evil, or homophobic because i'm against same sex marriage, or a xenophobe because i want to keep foreigners out, or sexist because i consider pregnancy and getting pregnant is solely the woman's responsibility, it makes me a white American and that's what we need to protect.   
You know, if more people had guns, we'd have less shootings in this country and don't get me started on abortions, or women's rights, we need to be making babies, we need to catch up with the Chinese by birthing with real Americans who love their country, the ones who would tongue kiss the Statue of Liberty and reach underneath that big smock she's wearing and just give her buttocks a nice freedom squeeze.
So i wish you all well unless you are a lily livered lefty in which case i say to you go live in North Korea and see how you enjoy it there, commie liberal scum and let us keep up the great American traditions of hating open-minded liberals and spreading unsubstantiated slurs about 'em.

1 comment:

  1. Amusingly, they are all direct quotes from people who have actually said these things to me over the past 10 years, the hater of blacks, haters of women, haters of homosexuals, hater of people that disagree with them, the second amenders.
    I see your own words are in there, recognise them?
