FOAB Information

Monday 12 October 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Clyde Barrow

Bonnie and i were pretty notorious outlaws in our days and our lives may have been short, but we crammed a lot into them.
Bonnie was an honor studnet and wanted to be an actress but i persuaded her that she could either find fame and fortune with lots of sweat and hard work or she could just join me in sticking a gun in people's faces and then dying in a hail of bullets and she was up for that, so that's what we did.
Being only 5ft 4", many people understimated me but Mr 20-gauge shotgun soon focused minds but it wasn't easy being so short, i had to put up with the 'hey, what's the weather like down there' comments so i might have had an attitude but you would too if you couldn't reach the frigging cheesy-wotsits at the grocery store.
I got into crime early and was on the run from Prison for stealing a truckload of turkeys when we met but we clicked straight away and Bonnie was a natural with a gun, most girls are stupid when it comes to firearms but she knew that if a gun is loaded, you should always point it away from you.
At a bank clerk or a store owner which were our favourite targets but it meant we had to keep moving as the police were always just behind us and we were always just escaping their clutches.
We almost got caught a few times, one time we had to duck out a window of a motel and left behind all our stuff including my guitar so i telephoned my mum to ask her to ask the police if i could get it back. I’m sure you can guess that the answer was two words, the second one being 'off'.
Our end came after we stopped off at a friends farm to lie low after killing a store holder but that friends father turned to the police to set up an ambush and while we were driving along we saw the elderly friend's father apparently broken down at the side of the road. We stopped to help him and the hiding police put 150 bullets into the car with many going in, and then back out again, of Bonnie and me.
We always said that we wanted to be buried together, but we were buried separately because Bonnie’s mother didn’t approve of me and to be fair she had a point, if she had not met me she probably wouldn't have ended up with more holes than a colander salesman.

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