FOAB Information

Sunday 4 October 2020

You can Trust Him, He's Trump's Doctor

Such are things related to Donald Trump that even his doctors can't be trusted to to give out correct information, the Doctor treating the President admitting that he refused to admit the president had been given oxygen at the White House on Friday as he was 'trying to reflect the upbeat attitude of the team but in doing so, [it] came off like we were trying to hide something, which wasn't necessarily true' although it was necessarily true as they were trying to hide that Trump had been given oxygen.
The Saturday press conference also revealed that he was improving and already talking about returning to the White House until minutes later his chief of staff Mark Meadows told reporters that his vital signs had been 'very concerning'.
As the bleach injection remedy seems to have been passed over, several Health Experts are querying, if he is improving as stated, why is Trump now also receiving dexamethasone which the World Health Organisation guidelines make very clear is to be used 'only in patients with severe and critical COVID19' and underli9nes that by stating that it 'is not to be used in patients with non-severe COVID19'.
No wonder there is a great deal of skepticism about his condition but Trump himself has said in a tweet that he is 'starting to feel good' and is 'looking forward to finishing up the campaign the way it was started' which as i recall was him standing on a stage and shouting into the face of a 78 year old man and making fun of him for wearing a mask.
The administration has gone down the route of authoritarian regimes with the video released of him beavering away in the ward signing bits of paper which would have looked even better if the paper he was signing wasn't blank but they probably didn't expect anyone to zoom in and see what he was actually signing.
Then there is the 72 hours into the diagnosis, oops i meant 48 hours mistake by the Doctor so all in all, anything said should be taken with quite a few pinches of salt if not the whole damn barrel.
It is exactly the same as what happened in the UK with Boris Johnson where we were told he had a mild version of the disease and was working away in hospital when actually he was on ICU ward attached to a ventilator fighting for his life.
It is hard to have sympathy with a man who has downplayed the pandemic while it ravaged his country, mocked people who wore masks and has overseen the highest Coronavirus death toll in any country and judging by the reaction from most people, he isn't getting any but we have to remember that the President Trump is in several high risk categories as he is 74 so elderly, a BMI over 30 so he is obese, his £750 tax bill shows he is a low income earner and he is a person of colour, bright orange.

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