FOAB Information

Friday 6 November 2020

Hey Donald...You're Fired!

As any mother will tell you, toddlers throw temper tantrums for many reasons, they may be tired or maybe they just want attention and much the same goes for American Presidents because the World's biggest baby is currently throwing everything out of his pram because American's have decided they prefer Joe Biden to him and boy is he not taking it very well that it's not his turn any more.
Probably one of the grown up's in the room should stop him embarrassing himself further by going on TV and chuntering out all sorts of unfounded allegations, taking away his phone would be a good start and even some of the people who spent the last four years in places only a doctor doing a colonoscopy should be, people like Piers Morgan, even they are saying he should be put in time out on the naughty step as the last votes are slip through Donald's little, tiny, clammy fingers.
It always amazed me that any self-respecting woman, anyone of colour or anyone without the means to pay for their healthcare could turn a blind eye to his sex offenses, racism and removal of the Affordable Care Act and vote for him and that's even making allowances for the peculiar strand of Christian fundamentalist for whom Armageddon can’t come soon enough but apparently almost 70 million did and some of them are protesting in that great American tradition of their bat-shit crazy gun laws by taking their fire-arms with them.
The remaining few months until the actual handover of power in January should be entertaining, the big orange buffoon will be flailing around and stamping his little feet until the day he has to hand over the keys and probably so will the many many bible-thumping, mullet-haired, gun toting lunatics who voted for him, and also their husbands.

Disclaimer: My apologies to any young children who feel insulted by my comparing them to Donald Trump

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