FOAB Information

Thursday 26 November 2020

Ho Ho Ho

Usually by now i have seen whatever CD i have in my car stereo removed and replaced by something a bit more festive. Last year it was the Bowling For Soup 'Merry Flippin' Christmas' effort i was driving around to, a brilliant guitar heavy version of all the Christmas standards but this year i have got Sia's 'Everyday Is Christmas' CD which after hearing 'Ho Ho Ho' and 'Snowman' on the radio a few times.
I'm sure that Sia will find herself rotated with BFS, Twisted Sister and the Punk Goes Christmas Album's as we head into the last page of the Calendar and the 25th day looms large at us although Christmas is looking to be a bit different this year.
The UK Government have decided that for five days over Christmas, the Coronavirus will be so full of Festive Cheer that it will give us a break and we can go about our business without potentially infecting each other but unless Santa leaves you a respirator and a hospital bed under the tree this year, you may want to do the sensible thing and ignore the Government advice when it comes to Coronavirus, good advice any time of the year judging by their less than sterling efforts so far.
This blog is taking on a very festive air in December and the Special Guest Bloggers include not only some of the main players in the Nativity but we have rounded up the men who invented Christmas Cards and Christmas Crackers, a handful of Saints, some Deities, Mrs Claus and even some of Santa's Elves have penned some posts and we even managed to track down the man Scrooge is based on.       

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