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Wednesday 11 November 2020

Special Guest Blogger: George Michael

Ladies, you know how you always say that you don't want a man who spends more time in front of the mirror than you do? Well, meet that man, i'm George Michael, and i didn't want you either.
The early 80's was a strange time, the boys wore more make-up than the girls and the shoulder pads were so wide that you could balance dinner plates on them, it was a truly amazing time where two young men could have a hit song about enjoying life while unemployed while doing a jerky elbow dance and wearing leather jackets.
Andrew Ridgely and mine first attempt at pop stardom never really got off the ground, calling ourselves The Executive, we were a Rastafarian ska band but we were not believable Rastafarian enough so we reinvented ourselves as Wham! and by 1985, just about everyone in the world knew us everyone, that is, except China but Mao Zedong was opening the borders and somebody needed to be the first band to perform in China.
When we split up i was still in the closet but i decided that i would maybe make some subtle point in my songs about my sexuality but nobody pays attention to subtle points in songs. Your average listeners aren't priming their ears for the moment when an artist makes the perfect lyrical metaphor about love between the same sexes, they just want to dance but a fateful trip to a Beverly Hills public toilet soon made it public.
I didn't know he was an under cover policeman, i thought his handcuffs were all part of the act.  
In hindsight that was the start of my slide, my occasional dabbling in substances became more regular and i received a two-year ban for driving under the influence, got busted for possession three times but it was a spell in ICU suffering from pneumonia which could have proved a turning point because they say that after a brush with death the world looks different and that was true for me, but by the time I caught my breath, I realized that it was because I had lost my glasses and just carried on as before.
I crashed my car into a shop window at a Gay Pride parade in London while high and then fell out of my car while on the motorway but for the industrial amount of drugs i was doing my heart waved a white flag and refused to work anymore.
My biggest hit was Last Christmas, where i gave someone my heart and i'm no medical expert, but I think that's where i went wrong because i could have done with a spare because mine gave up on Christmas Day, they literally tried to put the boom boom back into my heart, but couldn't wake me up before i went went.

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