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Tuesday 10 November 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Plato

The vast majority of the knowledge humans have assembled over the centuries, has been lost. The world's geniuses either kept their revelations to themselves and then died, or else they put it down on paper which has long since rotted or been used to line some budgerigar's cage but most of my works remain to enlighten and influence future generations.
Ancient Greece was swimming with Philosophers, Socrates taught me, i taught Aristotle and Diogenes hung around for a bit until he went off to live in a barrel. As a philosopher Diogenes was always very wishy washy, i told him to wash more as he didn't believing in bathing so he was no big loss.
I did start off as a wrestler, then a soldier and then a dramatist but Philosophy was my thing, the study of the most puzzling questions in life like why are we here, what is reality and what happened to that massive bit of land off the coast of Gibraltar called Atlantis.
The lost city of Atlantis was one of my ideas but i also gave the World that the Earth was at the center of the universe, the Earth was round and that when we die we reincarnate as animals, that one came after i heard a dog barking and it sounded just like the voice of my dead friend.
I said that such as for everything there is, there is a perfect version somewhere although that falls down a bit with the featherless bi-pids that are man, wise men speak because they have something to say while fools because they have to say something and Socrates showed me that the meaning of life was attaining knowledge and he questioned everything.
Backfired a bit when he questioned the more democratic direction Athens was heading at the time and was condemned to death for corrupting the youth of Athens with his ideas, he was forced to drink poison but him asking 'Why?' to everything like a toddler was wearing a bit thin.
I created my own school, The Academy and taught topics like philosophy, astronomy, math, biology, and political theory and i charged no fee but i did encourage my students to be celibate while i explained thought experiments like the allegory of the cave.
This was where a group of men who had been chained up their entire lives facing the wall at the bottom of a cave and the only thing they ever see are shadows on the wall by people passing by. Since this is all they know, they would regard the shadows on the wall as reality.
If one escaped and saw the real world then people either won't believe them so should be left to see only the shadows on the wall.
I died and was buried somewhere at my Academy, my remains have never been found but i left behind a legacy of thinking your way to a successful life, if you can think it, you can do it! Don't just do it, think about it!

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