FOAB Information

Friday 13 November 2020

Worst Year Ever

As far as years go, the 2020 reviews are not going to be good but before it claims the award as the worst year ever, historians agrees it wasn't great but they have named 536AD as a much worse year.
As the people alive in 535AD welcomed in 536AD, little could they have known that the fog which rolled in that January was actually ash from a massive volcanic eruption of Krakatoa and would hang around dimming the Sun for the entire year and leading to a 2C drop in temperature making for the start of a Little Ice Age and led to crop failures across Europe and Asia causing a famine.
As if being cold, hungry and having the vision of only a few feet was not bad enough, the Plague decided these were the perfect conditions to start a pandemic and decided it wanted some of that action and spread across Asia and Europe causing so many deaths that City officials quit counting and just lobbed bodies into a large pit but the Global population reduced by around 50 million.  
In all 536AD may have been one terrible year for literally everyone alive but 1348 when the Black Death killed one-third of Europe's entire population was not very good either and 1492 also has a shout after Columbus helped bring disease and slavery to the New World and 1918 when the First World War was in full swing and so was the Spanish Flu and lets not overlook 2003 when Buffy The Vampire Slayer aired for the last time.
It all makes you realise that 2020 and having to leave the pub by 10pm and having to queue up to go into Tesco is not so bad after all but 2020 ain't over yet, we still have 6 weeks left to go and we are overdue a Supervolcano eruption so don't close the books just yet.

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