FOAB Information

Saturday 19 December 2020

An Urgent Message From Father Christmas

As we are up here in the North Pole, news may take a little while to make it up here but i am well aware of the Coronavirus that is going around the World and i have been getting some letters from worried children asking if i will still be able to visit this year.
Firstly, i'm a designated key worker and key workers are allowed to carry on working and as for social distancing, when i turn up with Rudolph and the rest of the gang to deliver the presents, everyone will be tucked up in their beds so that isn't a problem.
I have agreements with every country in the World that i have a special travel corridor so i won't have to self-isolate when i return so while it is true that i will be making a massive international journey all around the world and into many areas where the virus is, but being magic, i can't catch Coronavirus although the elves has fitted a hand santiser dispenser to my sleigh so i will use that before each house to keep everyone extra safe.
Actually the only thing i'm allergic to is badly behaved children but the antidote to that is being good so the answer is as long as you have been well behaved, then there is no problem with me coming as usual this year.

See you soon

Father Christmas xx

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