FOAB Information

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Astrology In 2021

At the start of 2020, nobody could have known what a pigs ear things would be by the end of it, well nobody except the Psychics who charge for this sort of information but i can't recall any of them screaming and shouting about what was coming following a bat sneezing on someone in China so a poke in the eye for them but we know what is coming for the UK in 2021 because Astrologer Ann-Louise Holland is telling us.
The problem with 2020, as it turns out, was that Jupiter and Saturn were in Capricorn and influenced negatively by Pluto and having two massive planets together in volatile Capricorn along with Pluto, was always going to spell trouble but in 2021 they are moving out of the troublesome Capricorn and Pluto and join the much more benevolent Venus in Aquarius which is an altogether much better proposition, Aquarius being a thing of change and renewal although it won't all be plain sailing.
The fly in the Astrological ointment is Uranus who is the planet of fast paced change and Mars who are now joining forces in Taurus and will cause sweeping, electrifying changes in all areas so when asked to put it all in a sentence, the message is big change is coming and many will be left behind.   
You have been warned, keep an eye on Uranus.

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