FOAB Information

Friday 4 December 2020

Covid Vacinne Not Madatory But...

The first Covid vaccine has been approved by the UK government and it could start to be rolled out next week and the most common question have heard since is, 'Do i have to have it?
The vaccination is not mandatory so nobody who doesn't want it for whatever reason, is going to be forced to have it but there are cute ways the Government are currently considering to coerce enough people into it to achieve the 60%-70% needed to achieve the herd immunity required.
England’s deputy chief medical officer Prof Jonathan Van-Tam said there would be a digital record of which vaccine people were given and how many doses which suggests a database will be kept of who had been immunised and who hasn't and Wales has announced that immunisation cards are to be issued to show you have taken the jab.
The current technique is for the Government to reassure everyone that despite the vaccine being fast tracked, it is perfectly safe and they are wheeling out trusted celebrities to repeat their message and some politicians are offering to get the jab live on tv while some travel firms are saying that they will require proof of travelers having been immunised before they are allowed to travel with them and that could come with travel passes on the NHS app on your mobile phone.
One other way would be for the Coronavirus vacinne to be compulsory for performing certain jobs, such as Teachers, Care and NHS Workers so while the simple answer is no you don't have to have it but if you want to travel or in some cases keep your job, you are going to have to roll up your sleeve.

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