FOAB Information

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Not The Easy Deal Brexiteers Expected

When it came to Brexit, i was always hopeful that at some point someone would realise that this was absolute madness and would call a halt to the whole shambles but nobody did, so we now face the prospect of the largest act of economic self suicide self by Britain ever in a few short weeks.
I was never sure if the 52% hard of thinking folks who voted for it really knew what they were letting us all in for, i am not convinced they do now and for all of the Conservative Party bluster about reaching an agreement with the EU 'should be one of the easiest in human history' which, by watching Boris Johnson panicky phone calls and trips to the continent, is proving a bit more tricky than they thought.
Other quotes the useful idiots who voted for fell for include: 'We hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want' and 'We’ll get a great result out of Brexit' and the classic 'Trade relations with the EU could be sorted out in an afternoon over a cup of coffee'.
The Boris Johnson claim in the 2019 election to have 'a deal oven ready' is turning out to be less than accurate because the Europeans are digging in their heels, refusing to be bullied into accepting a deal over fishing rights which seems to be one of the main sticking points.
The British want to stop anyone other than the British fishing in British eaters which seems fair enough, but then they sell 75% of what they catch to the EU so they don't want any tarrifs on their catch which will make them uncompetitive, a case of literally having their fishcakes and eating them.
I imagine we will end up with some sort of cobbled last minute together deal, Britain cannot afford not to crash out without a deal hence Boris Johnson pegging it over to Belguim today but the bottom line is we are leaving the World's largest trading block and single market and replacing it with a hotch-potch of deals from nations on the other side of the World.
With the usually tight fisted Conservatives making free with the nations cheque-book during the Coronavirus pandemic and tanking the UK Economy, the Brexit catastrophe due to make a massive dip in the Treasury coffers, i guess they they can hide the Brexit economic damage coming behind the Coronavirus economic damage already done.

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