FOAB Information

Friday 4 December 2020

Our Father, Who Art In The Pub

The British do like trying to ignore health advice if it lets them get drunk which is why the Craxton Arms pub has renamed it's beer 'Substantial Meal' in an attempt to skirt the rules and stay open as it is complying with the rule that pubs can serve alcohol if it comes with a substantial meal.
A bar in Nottingham has registered itself as a Church and claiming it is a place of worship as places of worship can remain open although the Nottingham’s registrar general is unlikely to grant the application as Churches don't normally come with a bouncers, a Real Ale menu and a Pool table.
Maybe they should have gone with the Wine angle instead, wine being the blood of Christ and all that but it does say something about us Brits when the very first point on the Government's Tier system was whether pubs can open and what time you have to leave them by.


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