FOAB Information

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Pardon Me...And Him and Him and Him and Him...

There are some things concerning the US of A which i never really understood, bat-shit crazy gun laws and the refusal to change them even while burying the 24 little kids from Sandy Hook being the main one, the 40,00 guns deaths a year and the regular massacres are obviously still not enough of a price worth paying for the freakish second amendment.
Another thing is why there is such a large gap between the Election day at the start of November and the next President taking over towards the end of January, that only gives the old guy 78 days to plant as many banana skins and landmines as possible before he hands over the keys.   
The third is the ability for the outgoing President to grant pardons, conditional pardons, commutations of sentence, conditional commutations of sentence, remissions of fines and forfeitures, respites, and amnesties as per Article Two of the United States Constitution (Section 2, Clause 1).
Apparently a pardon can be rejected by the intended recipient which is pretty unlikely, Wikipedia only has one case when someone refused it and that was in 1833, the rest for the last 187 years have been cartwheeling their way out the prison gates.
It was always obvious that Donald Trump would set free all those incarcerated for his own shady dealings and there is even talk of pre-emptive pardons which would absolve anyone of prison time if they are later found guilty of any a bit iffy but whether he can grant a pardon to himself is a moot point, but it won't stop him trying if he thinks he could especially with a swathe of offences against him that were parked as they could not be actioned against him while President.
President Bill Clinton's issued 140 pardons on his last day in office including his own brother, Roger Clinton, so if Trump ever gets to drag his bloated backside out of the White House, his last day will be spent issuing more pardons than a bunch of kids at a burping competition.

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