FOAB Information

Tuesday 5 January 2021

A Long Tradition Of Stupid

When you hear about people spreading theories that 5G masts are spreading Coronovirus and Bill Gates is spearheading a vaccination program that puts microchips into peoples bodies you do wonder if people are getting stupider but unfortunately, stupid isn't a 21st Century thing, we have a long line of stupid people believing stupid things.
In the early 20th Century women riding bicycles was frowned upon because Doctors thought that the vibrations between female legs would cause insatiable sex drives and lead to lesbianism but at least they could catch the rain then, a hundred years earlier it was thought that trains would lead to mass asphyxiation as the human body would not be able to handle speeds of over 20mph.
Novels caused a panic in the 17th Century as it was reasoned that women, having softer brains than the male, would not be able to  distinguish between reality and fiction and would act out the immoral situations they read about in novels and after the invention of the telephone it was considered that possessing both a vagina and a telephone was not a good idea, as women would just use the new invention only for frivolity and not put them to serious use.
As usual, when it comes to wackiness and just plain weirdness, it's the Church we have to turn because they have opposed street lights, arguing that they made a mockery of God very clearly established delineation between night and day, it also tried to ban music that had chords as it was indecent and even grammar didn't escape their beady eye, grammar being the work of the devil and therefore evil.
Forks were considered blasphemous for some unknown reason and Pope Paul IV decided that marble statues were too naked so ordered fig leaves added to cover any exposed statue penises.
It turns out some of those amongst us not only always been this dumb, but their ancestors have also been dumb for a staggeringly long time.

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