FOAB Information

Sunday 17 January 2021

Was Trump And His Supporters Fascists?

Using the George Orwell essay 'What is Fascism' as a guide, i previously mentioned that according to his agenda, Donald Trump comfortable satisfies the Fascist criteria of scapegoating and demonising other groups to gain a common enemy to unite against (Mexicans, the media, Muslims), refer to a glorious past and wish to return to it (Make America Great Again), not allowing dissent or challenge (75 members of his staff who have either been sacked or resigned under pressure), rid their Government of the laws and decisions of previous leaders, to create their own, (roll back of Obama's laws and policies), use the nations resources to build up the military to which they threaten weaker and smaller nations (threatened to destroy North Korea and Iran, discussed sending the military to overthrow the Venezuela leadership while significantly increasing military spending from 2.4% to 4.7% to $750 billion) which all seem pretty conclusive.
Understandably, the right wing object to the word 'fascist' to describe them and the man at the head of their cause but it is not easy to find another word to describe them.
Their case isn't helped by Trump saying he won the election he lost and then incited brainwashed followers to storm democratic institutions to overturn the election result, followers who included men dressed in 'Camp Auschwitz' T-shirts, waving Confederate flags and making 'Sieg Heil!' salutes.
I think most people who have reflected on it will agree that Trump is sociopathic, self serving, manipulative and amoral who has traits of a fascist, i suppose you could argue about how far along the fascist line Trump went but definetly a far right authoritarian white supremacist and to me that sounds, smells and looks like a fascist, albeit a failed one as he slinks off defeated.
The worry for America is the 74 million supporters who could now be looking for a leader with the same fascist tendencies who is a bit smarter and competent than this one was.

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