FOAB Information

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Sometimes you have to give credit where it is due no matter how much it hurts and i have to give credit to the UK Government because although they have got many, many thing wrong during this Covid pandemic, they go the vaccination part of it exactly right.
They may have paid over the odds but they were one of the very first nations to reserve a wide range of vaccines and through more luck than judgemnent, most of them have come up Trumps so we have a large range of vaccines coming our way, 20 million of them already coarsing through the veins of the population.
The idea of vaccinating the most vulnerable first was the right way to do things and the decision to give one vacinne to as many as possible to at least give them some protection before the second dose and gave full protection was something i was shouting about before they made the decision.
The final coup de grace was the decision to get NHS, doctors, vaccination centres and pharmacies to give the innoculations which is why the top four cohorts have been injected ahead of schedule and the roll out to the rest is about to begin which also has the fortunate effect of bringing the 12 week gap between
jabs down to 10 or 11 weeks.     
When the inevitable inquiry comes the Government will get a richly deserved kicking, their initial response was worse than awful and the grim death toll is down entirely to them but nobody will be able to pin any blame on them for the vaccine purchase, distribution and implementation. 

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