FOAB Information

Thursday 18 February 2021

Use Your Own Damn Lip Balm

According to a new poll, once we are released back into the wild with an armful of vaccine, there are all manner of everyday occurrences which we won't be doing post pandemic but luckily most of which i never did anyway.  
Top is use someone else’s lip balm which i never knew was a thing, how long have people been sharing lip balm for the lip and the same with number 2, take a bite of someone else’s sandwich and number 3 is use department store makeup samples.
Luckily i have never used anyone else's lip balm, taken a bite from their sandwich or used the samples in a department store so i am quite happy to not do those things ever again.
Further down the list is share crisps in a pub, use gym equipment after someone else and check your hair in someone elses sunglasses reflection which i will hold my hands up to doing although there are plenty of other reflective surfaces which are not directly above someones mouth and nose to check the do out in.
Go to shopping Centres is featured which is not what the shopping centres want to hear, those with any shops left in it come summer anyway but surprisingly near the top, but not the number one, is kiss a stranger.
Obviously it is the height of folly to kiss a stranger right now, that’s the equivalent of licking the hand rail in the hospital but like Hawaiian shirts and tank tops, it is a fad which will soon pass because while there may be some nervousness now, by Christmas we will probably be behaving in the same reckless way we always did.
That said, it's the perfect excuse for avoiding John from IT at the Christmas Party who cruises the room armed with the mistletoe although the  'Sorry John, i'm afraid i don't want to kiss because of Covid' excuse is a lot less stinging then the usual 'Sorry John, i’m afraid I don’t want to kiss you because you're a terrible person' excuse.

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