FOAB Information

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Giulia Tofana

Men! Cant live with them and inexplicably it's illegal to shove a bread knife in their guts so i came up with a way around that and i was getting away with it for decades until in a shocking twist, a bowl of soup bought about my downfall.  
During the Renaissance, in an era of arranged marriages that left no possibility of divorce, the only way out of an unhappy union was death. Women were often forced into marriage by their families without having a say in the matter and once married, the husbands had complete control over their wives and i heard tales of husbands beating and subjecting their wives to all kinds of cruelty so i made it my mission, and my business, to help aspiring widows murder their husbands.
I turned my makeup business into a poison factory, inventing and selling a deadly concoction called Aqua Tofana disguised as make up and the brilliant part was it never left a trace in the victims body.
Doctors and investigators would check and put the death down to some unknown illness or disease but doctors were not so good then, there was nothing they didn't try to cure with leeches. A leech on the ear for earache, a leech on your bottom for constipation which is fine until you sat down and squashed it.
Just four drops of poison, meted out over a matter of days or weeks mixed into food or liquid was enough to kill and the genius part was to disguise it as a typical woman’s face cream that would sit on the dressing table along with her other cosmetics and perfumes that nobody would suspect, i even put it in vials with an image of Saint Nicholas of Bari on the label.
Over the course of almost three decades i helped over 600 Italian women kill their husbands and my business was flourishing until the notorious bowl of soup when one of my clients got cold feet after putting the poison into her husbands soup and stopped her husband from eating it and confessed and pointed the finger at me as the miscreant who had sold her the poison.
I fled to a church and asked for sanctuary but they handed me over to the authorities who tortured me for a confession and i was executed but i knew over 600 abused wifes who thought i deserved a medal but unfortunately there always has been and always will be abusive men and until they make the bread knife in the guts legal, there will always be women coming to people like me so when you have finished abusing your spouse, enjoy your soup.

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