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Tuesday 2 March 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Indira Gandhi

There is an old saying that you should choose your friends wisely but i would add choose your bodyguards even more wisely because the guys protecting my life were the one who ended it.
Obviously, due to the physical differences, there are some things that men are much more better at so they will always beat us ladies at anything which requires physical strength or speed or the ability to pee the highest up a wall but their strongest asset is also their downfall, higher levels of testosterone. You only have to flick through the stats of serial killers, murders and war-mongering types to see the female half of the population are very under represented, so i did my best to address that.
When i took over as the Indian Prime Minister, my first act was to take on the uppity Pakistani's and went to war with them and created millions of refugees. India beat Pakistan, forcing a surrender of East Pakistan, which led to the formation of Bangladesh.
I oversaw the suspension of democratic rights and violations of human dignity by instituting a 21-month mass sterilization program but no political career is entirely a triumph, and i was removed from office by charges of corruption but i returned to office in 1979, and ruled until my Sikh bodyguards decided my body wasn't fit to be guarded anymore and shot me due to conflict between the small Sikh minority of India and the Hindu majority.
One of them i had known for over ten years and i should have known not to embrace this unholy arse to my Prime Ministerial bosom, i should have kept my bosom free of arses but it's too late now.
We need less testosterone filled swingers on the World stage and if you pardon me being a hairy legged, bra burning feminist, i think the planet would benefit from more women leaders.
Either elect more women to office around the World or make with the nut crackers at the next summit meeting!
And no, i'm not related to the other, more famous and altogether more peaceful Gandhi.

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