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Tuesday 16 March 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Generally a saint is a person who lived a life of virtue but sometimes handing out a good kicking in the name of Christianity will get you the gig also.
There was a lady named Hypatia Of Alexandria who was a genius teacher at the Platonic School teaching mathematics, physics, and astronomy and all the people would flock to her lectures to be taught that the secrets of the Cosmos could be discovered through studying the patterns in the sky and mathematics.
You know who wasn't a fan? The local Christians and particularly me because i wasn't going to have anyone using logic, mathematics and common sense to try and dispel the idea that a man in the clouds created all the Earth, the Universe and everything in it so i organised a couple of violent mobs of monks to roam the city attacking anyone who listened to Hypathia and didn't believe in our God.
The Christian governor of Alexandria was unsure what to do, on the one hand he couldn't condone anyone speaking out against his own God but then he couldn't have gangs of religious zealots whacking up the locals either so i made things easier for him, i accused Hypathia of witchcraft and it ended exactly like you think it's going to.
Hypatia was riding through town, when i directed a group of my fanatics to grab her, stone her to death, cut out her eyes, tear her limb from limb and then create a neat pile of her body parts and set them on fire.
With their brilliant head out of action, The Platonic School crumbled and all that was left was a pile of smouldering body parts for which the the Catholic Church made me a Saint because i was protecting the Christian view that God made the Universe and us humans as we are today six days later and there is no room for science or mathematics explain it and besides, God once killed almost every person on Earth with a flood while i only killed one non-believer so i don't think he is all that fussed.

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