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Friday 12 March 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Shirley Temple

I was two when my mother enrolled me in a Dance Academy, the same one as Judy Garland as it turned out, and my first movie role came a year later when i was 3, a role which had me appearing as a lingerie-clad burlesque dancer who flirts with two toddler-aged boys, America in the 1930's was a very different place!
At age 6 i had a movie deal and was on $1,000 a week but it wasn't all plain sailing, despite the fame, fortune and adulation, when i misbehaved, i was made to stand in a cold puddle and if that failed, i would be sent into a dark room to sit on a block of ice and that never harmed me at all, well, not that much anyway.
In Bright Eyes, i got to sing what became my signature song, 'On the Good Ship Lollypop' which was a bit bizarre as the ship was an airplane but i looked cute so nobody quesioned it too much.
Such was my cuteness, i was earning more from endorsements than from movies, i flogged Quaker Oats, General Electric and cars for Packard Motors and i had my own line of talking dolls.
I did hear i was considered for the role of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz but it went to my former classmate Judy Garland as they felt her singing was better than mine, but whatever, i had other things to worry about, mainly the accusation from the Un-American Activities Committee that i was an 11 year old agent of the Communist Party but as my later political career would show i was a right wing Republican and i spent my adult life campaigning for right wing causes.
I sought the Republican nomination for California saying society doesn’t owe you anything and the government has better things to worry about than poor people, like killing innocent people in foreign wars!  
My policy of sending more American Soldiers to Vietnam was not a vote winner when most of the nation was protesting against it but President Richard Nixon knew a good right winger when he saw one and appointed me as a delegate to the UN, Chief of Protocol for the State Department, Special Assistant to the Chairman of the President’s Council on Environment, and Ambassador to both Ghana and Czechoslovakia.
Nixon was a friend and he got an awful press but by questioning him, the journalists were just giving aid to terrorists by reporting on unconstitutional activities by him.
Okay, i don't wanna know what the government's doing, they're doing it right and that's all we need to know. 
Sometimes you have to go outside the law to catch a bad guy and when you do, make them sit on a block of ice in a dark room, it never did me any harm as i died aged 85, finally ending a 20-year run of people saying, 'What, Shirley Temple is still alive?'. Nope, not anymore.

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