FOAB Information

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Wild Bill Hickock

People did seem to have a problem with my name, i was often called Haycock or Hitchcock and my first name was James but the Bill bit was because my nickname was 'Duck Bill' because i had a big nose but i began calling myself “Wild Bill” instead because it sounded cooler and i was wild because people kept trying to shoot me, so anyone would be a bit wild.
The first thing that tried to kill me wasn't even a human, it was a bear which was in my way when i was working for the Pony Express so i shot at it, the bullet ricocheted off its thick head and it suddenly became uninterested in stealing picnic baskets or honey pots or whatever it was doing and came to horribly murder me instead but while it was chewing on my arm i managed to slash its throat.
My first of four arrests for murder and subsequent acquittals happened when some guy was demanding money from the station manager and we both shot him and the jury said they couldn't prove which one of us actually shot him.
I moved to Springfield in Missouri and got a job in the law offices checking hotels’ liquor licenses and got into an argument over a watch with a gambler named Davis Tutt who was one of those people who would be enormously improved by death which he was as it turned out as he drew his gun but missed but i never. Arrested and acquitted again.
Not long after, in Ellis County, two troopers from the 7th US Cavalry pinned me to the ground but the gun they held to my head misfired, giving me chance to take out my gun, injure one and killing the other.
Around the same time was the first ever case of someone saying 'Hey, look over there' when the town drunk aimed his rifle at me and i looked past him and demanded that he not be shot in the back so he  turned around to see who was threatening before he realised that i had given him a bright new hole in his temple.
I was invited by Buffalo Bill Cody, to try acting in his cabaret show and that kick-starting an acting career that spanned all the way from the morning to slightly later that morning as i shot out the spotlight with my Colt 1851 as it was making it hard to see.
My Colts were cool, i had two with ivory handles with my names on them and i wore them with the butts pointed forward just to be different but i did get a lot of practise drawing them which led to another arrest and clearance when as deputy i ventilated a couple of guys after they refused to settle down in a saloon.
In Nebraska i challenged four men to a draw and you would think out of the four of them one of them would get me but nope, useless, the four bullets were all mine and the bits of brains laying on the floor was all theirs.
Then there was Phil Coe and another arrest and acquittal but while shooting him i accidentally also shot and killed my Deputy so they sacked me as Marshall which is why i ended up in Deadwood playing cards that day with Jack McCall who was drunk and losing spectacularly in the process.
I felt for the old rummy so i offered McCall some money so he could buy himself some breakfast and i dont know how bad the breakfast was he had but he decided to get offended by my offer and came back later when i had my back to the door and didn't see him come in but he introduced himself by shooting me in the back of the head at point-blank range.
When they scraped the bits of skull off the playing cards they saw i was holding two black aces and two black eights which became known as the 'dead man’s hand'.

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