FOAB Information

Saturday 27 March 2021

Just What We Need, More Nukes

What with the Coronavirus thing ricocheting around the nation, the Conservatives have been concentrating on doing a not very good job of running the response to that and not so much on not doing a very good job of Governing the country, Brexit seems to have been forgotten or at least until things return to normal and everyone starts wondering why the Supermarket shelves are empty.
If the Government where not busy trying to ignore NHS Staff demanding a pay rise and the awful total of 130,000 deaths on their watch and persuade everyone that they did a bang up job, they would be doing the usual Conservative thing of hacking, slashing and cutting anything they could get their grubby hands on and i would be usually on here pointing out they always do that so what did you expect but when it comes to the military cuts, i'm okay with that, slash away Boris.
The latest defence cuts announced are a reduction of a further 10,000 personnel but an increase in the nuclear warheads we hold from 180 to 260 at a cost of an additional £10 billion.
As this comes on the back of offering an insulting 1% to NHS staff because that's all we can afford and a reduction of Foreign Aid from 0.7% to 0.5% for the same reason, to then splash £10 billion up the wall on a weapon explains why we cant afford it, those 80 new nuclear warheads are not cheap you know.
With the report nodding towards Russia and China as 'active threats', it cites that a 'credible, independent nuclear deterrent remains essential in order to guarantee our security and that of our allies' but if we had an extra £10 billion sloshing around to spend on more nuclear missiles, then why are we wasting it on a way of killing millions of people?
The justification that we need a nuclear deterrent is a red herring, we don't need one and would never use it anyway but meanwhile, other countries without nuclear weapons are spending their money on improving the lives of their citizens instead.

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