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Saturday 24 April 2021

Boris's Dead Cat Bounces Back

Boris Johnson failed as Foreign Secretary, was a mediocre Major of London and has been pathetic as Prime Minister but because he has the reputation of being a bit of a clown with his tousled hair and bumbling manner, his many indiscretions are excused as 'That's just Boris being Boris' but finally the punchline may be about to be delivered to this political joke and amusingly it could well be delivered by the man he spent so much political capital trying to protect.
Seemingly made for the same Teflon that once covered Tony Blair, nothing seemed to stick to Boris, the many, many lies, the racism, the affairs, the awful Coronavirus response and the casual view of fatherhood just slid off the Prime Minister but possibly the man who always showed a woeful lack of self-control in the sight of a female body is going to be undone by the same lack of self-control in the face of his bank balance.
The story began with leaks regarding how the Government Ministers were not only feathering their own nest with public Coronavirus Relief money but feathering the nests of their friends and families also and then came the leak that Boris was 'fixing' the Tax System for a certain Tory donor and also requesting other Tory donors pay for the refurbishments to his Downing Street Home.
As the furor grew someone in Number 10 decided that the dead cat strategy would work and decided that the dead cat should be the inventor of the Barnard Castle eye-test himself Dominic Cummings who they perceived was so unpopular in the UK that nobody would believe any leaks that came from him but boy did they pick the wrong guy.
Not one to just take the heat quietly, Dom has not only hit back with a tirade of just how hopeless Boris is but has offered up proof of his incompetency and then gone further and is keen to spill the beans on other scandals that went on, and continue to go on, in Boris's Government such as planning to break the law and interfere with independent inquiries to protect the friend of his girlfriend, Carrie Symonds.
Last seen disappearing from Number 10 holding a cardboard box five months ago, Boris Johnson did not need to pick this fight with his former adviser especially as Cummings has now said he wants to appear again before MPs next month to tell all, an offer the non-Blue MP's in Parliament have accepted with relish.
The British public are surprisingly acceptant of much from the MP's but a sense of unfairness in slanting the playing field in favour of those already with more than most is a line that must not be crossed and as Boris has not only crossed it but leapt fully over it, he must be regretting his decision over who he tried to throw to the wolves to detract from the topic of Tory sleaze because the Pandora box Dominic Cummings has thrown open could prove to be hopefully, much more damaging.

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