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Thursday 1 April 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Ada Lovelace

Nine months after my mother's brief liaison with mad, bad and dangerous to know poet and nutcase Lord Byron, i was born but Mum was worried that i would inherit his insanity and go crazy and start writing odes to clouds and things so she hit me with the only known thing that could temper my hot Byronic blood, mathematics.
Some people are absolute beasts at figuring out the length of the slanty side of a triangle and i did have a natural ability for maths and i had some great teachers to learn from including Charles Babbage who would invite me to his nerd parties to hear him talk about his Analytical Engine.
Despite being a monster at maths, it was next to impossible for a woman to get a career in maths because the only counting a woman was expected to do was keep a total of how many children she had given birth to but i found Babbage's Engine fascinating.
I said a new vast and powerful language could be developed for the future use of analysis and provide a practical application for the purposes of mankind which was quickly followed by someone else saying 'Look, the very first computer geek'.
I wrote the very first algorithm for the computer, or the Analytical Engine as he stupidly decided to call it, to compute Bernoulli numbers which is considered to be the first computer algorithm and earned me the title of the first computer programmer, not the first female computer scientist, mind you, but the first one ever, period.
Babbage might have had the idea, but it was me who figured out how to make it work but i died at the age of 36 from uterine cancer and Babbage never did build any of his calculating machines but that's a bit of a disappointing end to my story but computers have gone from strength to strength and now dominate human life.
Of course the increase in more powerful computers does have a creepy side, what's to say that at some point the machines won't view us as the cause of all the Worlds problems and decide that what the World needs is less of us humans around mucking things up so computers will take over the World and all those pale faced, girl-friendless people are now out there writing computer code that will make you unemployed, so don't feel bad about that time you accidentally spilt coffee over your laptop, it deserved it, the soon to be job stealing fecker.

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