FOAB Information

Saturday 3 April 2021

The Sensitive Issue Of Male Baldness

Men can be sensitive souls and one of the things they are most sensitive over is when they begin losing their hair so the subject has to be approached with tact and delicacy to protect feelings of men who are follicly challenged but there could hope on the horizon for chrome domes everywhere because scientists have identified a potential cure that could restore ailing thatches to their former glory.
Excited scientists at Harvard University are hopeful they have discovered the key that slap heads have been waiting for by identifying the mechanism which causes the hair to fall out and they have managed to reverse the process in rodents and are confident that it will translate to the shiny heads of men who are rocking the Kojak look.
They are warning that the discovery is only the first key step towards helping men who haven't said the words 'Good Hair Day' for decades and this is not a miracle cure for Baldilocks but they are discussing whether it could be administered through a tablet, injection, genetic manipulation or some other form to gentlemen with a head as hairless as a polar ice cap.
Their experiments revealed that high corticosterone levels stop hair follicles from regenerating leading to the snow globe look but when levels of the hormone are depleted, new hair grows and the male head starts to less resemble a snooker ball.
Some good news then for all those men as bald as a coot but until the science has been proven, those of us not going with the comb under look can just carry on being sensitive to all the egg heads out there who may not be in our hairdressers or barbers, but they are in our thoughts.

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