FOAB Information

Saturday 15 May 2021

Falling On A Bruise Soon Also Available On Substack

Saint Dymphna isn't happy because Blogger decided that her guest blogger post violated their Community Guidelines, bizarrely their 'Malware and Viruses policy' which means it violated the: 'do not transmit malware or any other content that harms or interferes with the operation of the networks, servers, end user devices or other infrastructure'.

So they yanked it down and sent me a 'don't do that again or you and your blog are outta here' type email although they have since emailed me again to say that: 'upon review we have re-evaluated the post and it has been reinstated' and it has now been put back and Saint Dymphna's story is there in all it's glory for all to read.

A while ago i did consider breaking the blog up into sections, a few comments where along the line of pick a subject and stay with it for gawd's sake woman but i liked just writing whatever bothered my brain that particular day so what ended up on the Blogger page could be about space, politics, bunny's, religion, Christmas or pretty much anything under the Sun but moving the posts seemed like too much hard work so i never but my fellow collaborator on the Special Guest Blogger posts suggested we at least move the Guest Blogger posts elsewhere so they are not lost and he suggested Substack.

When i saw it was a site that you had to charge a subscription for, i immediately refused to entertain it but after some persuasion and looking into it a bit more, you can either charge or set it up as free content and subscribers would sign up to receive an email whenever we posted and it wouldn't cost a thing.

Again i resisted but following Blogger's email and the threat to end Falling On A Bruise, which i assume came after someone complained about the St Dymphna post, i have decided that i need a back-up and as long as he does all the work, we will begin to transfer the posts across to Substack and split them up into sections so people can subscribe for whichever flavour of posts they want.

On this blog there are 5,121 posts and i will continue to post here for as long as Blogger allows me because i like the way this works but not all of them will make it across to the new platform but we have made a start and it will probably take a few weeks (months?) to pick out, create the relevant section and move them but so far we have began putting the political posts at and the ones i see as more fluffy and less shouty at and for the Famous Dead Bloggers but remember you will need to subscribe but the ones i write alone I PROMISE WILL ALWAYS BE FREE, you are just signing up to receive the emails although i can't promise that for the Guest Blogger ones, we have to have a bit of a discussion on those ones.
I will post the links to the Substack sections here as we set them up but if you come here one day and find an empty space then you know Blogger has pulled the plug especially as i intend to continue to post about Saints on their relevant Feast Days and if the Saint Dymphna's story was controversial, i do have some concern for some of the upcoming ones which feature some of the big names in the list of deities. 

As always, thank you to everyone who reads this blog and may it long continue.

Lucy     for the political shouty posts   for the less shouty type for the Famous Dead Bloggers

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