FOAB Information

Monday 31 May 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Lieutenant Tomas

Most people get their name in history books for being the first to do something but i am in there for being the last and the only game in town in Europe in 1918 was the World War.
For four, long hard years we had been fighting against the enemy because the British wanted to stop Germany building an Empire, that is the British who at the time had an Empire covering a quarter of the globe so in order to prevent war in Europe, two superblocs developed with the British, French and the Russians on one side, and us and Austro-Hungary on the other with the idea being that two vast opposing armies would act as the other's deterrent but there was a tiny flaw in the plan, it was utter shite and war ensued.
Finally, the big knobs got round the table and decided that four years of death and madness was enough and declared a cessation of hostilities on November 11 at 11am and on that morning, while the world started to celebrate and word continued to filter down to the troops that the fighting would cease at 11:00am, i was holed up in a house in Germany.
Outside the house was a group of American soldiers just standing around doing what Americans do and a day earlier we would have popped their heads like ripe melons but we realised it was just a few minutes until 11 so we kept our guns on the floor and stayed put until we heard the chimes of the local Church bell indicating that it was 11am and the war was officially over.
Relieved to get through the whole show, i was thinking of how i could now find a job at the new BMW factory, keep goal for Karlsruher FC Südstadt,marry my beautiful Klara when i stepped outside and approached the American soldiers to let them know that, since the war to end all wars was over, me and my men were vacating a house and it would be available for their use.
Unfortunately, no one had informed the Americans of the Armistice and the dumpkopf's went and shot and killed me meaning i had survived everything only to die sixty seconds after the ceasefire and making me the last soldier killed that day and therefore in the Great War.
I did later meet up with the last Frenchman killed, he was shot at 10.58am while carrying a message to the front lines that soup would be served to soldiers shortly after the 11:00 ceasefire but i would like to think that as all this is over, we learned to practice kindness and become more generous towards our fellow man, a frictionless society based on patience and willingness to tolerate each other’s strengths and weaknesses because otherwise it was all for nothing and even us humans are not that insane to have another World War.

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