FOAB Information

Sunday 20 June 2021

Doing A Public Service

The number of Coronavirus cases in the UK is creeping up and the medical teams are declaring that we are now at the start of the much anticipated third wave and the race is on between the vaccine and the virus.
The good(ish) news is that the most vulnerable who are least able to fight off the disease and most likely to end up in hospital and in the grim death column are not being affected with the younger, unvaccinated part of the population contracting Coronavirus and as they are better placed to successfully fight off the virus, the death toll is staying relatively flat.
As we creep towards the 75% vaccine cover required to achieve herd immunity, the chances of anyone catching Coronavirus are still there and the Public Health England (PHE) have put out a report of where you are most likely to catch it with the majority of Covid-19 cases coming from educational settings such as Schools, Colleges and Universities.
Outbreaks in leisure settings are growing in number as they are at hospitality, the workplace, shopping centers and then Healthcare centers so the PHE have given us the perfect excuse to phone your boss on Monday to say you won't be in.
Don't think of it as pulling a sickie, consider it a public service as you are protecting the nation from the third wave by staying at home in your pyjamas to watch the football on TV.

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