FOAB Information

Saturday 5 June 2021

Keeping The Restrictions For Now

With the June 21 'Freedom Day' looming, the Government is coming under pressure from all sides to either open up the country or to leave the restrictions in place as infections number rise alarmingly.
On the one side is businesses, hospitality and travel companies who are looking at things through the eyes of their profits and the viability of their businesses and jobs after 15 months of restrictions.
In the other corner are the medical professionals who are looking at the rapidly increasing infection rate, 6,238 new confirmed coronavirus cases yesterday, and arguing that it would be madness to open the nation further just when a third wave is about to come crashing down on us fueled by the spread of the more transmissible Indian variant, also known as the Delta variant.
The Prime Minister is refusing to decide who to follow, saying that he is ruling nothing out but the whispers seem to be that 'Freedom Day' will be pushed back to 5 July to allow more vaccines to be jabbed into peoples arms so more of the country is protected when the restrictions are lifted.
The Medical profession are saying that we need as much as 80% of the 65 million Britain's to have been immunised with both doses to achieve herd immunity and as present, 60% have received at least one vaccine dose and 40% both doses so still some way to go although the NHS are ramping up an
already impressive campaign.
In Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon has paused lockdown easing and in Wales Mark Drakeford has already said he is considering keeping social distancing rules for the rest of this year making it difficult for Boris Johnson to not follow suit.
For me it is a no brainer and the nations Health should come first, Covid 19 is not going away and we will have to earn to live with it at some point and get back to normal but not until we reach that 80% immunised rate so if that means pausing the reopening of the nation until July or August or even beyond, that's how it should be.
Economies bounce back, it may take a while but they do come back finally but if people catch Coronavirus because we reopened too soon as some people were more concerned with the threats to their financial situation, the only bouncing some people will be unnecessarily doing is when their coffin hits the ground and nobody cares about the profits of Ryan Air or Wetherspoons when they are 6ft in the ground.

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