FOAB Information

Sunday 6 June 2021

Note The Unexplained Bit Of UFO

I have been asked many times whether i believe in aliens and the simple answer is that the answer is not quite so simple.
If the question is do i believe that life has evolved on other planets then yes i do because the Universe is too vast and there are too many galaxies, stars and planets for life only to have began on just one.
If the question is do i believe that aliens are visiting Earth then the answer is no for the same reason as the previous question, the vastness of the Universe and the fact that Earth is one planet amongst tens of billions of solar systems in our galaxy alone, a galaxy which is in turn amongst hundreds of billions of galaxies in the Universe.
A US government report released 25th June which investigated decades of unexplained aerial sightings in US airspace, found that there were no evidence of alien activity but there are 120 unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that they are unable to explain short of they are not US military and could possibly be the experimental technology of a rival power, such as China or Russia or but it does not rule out extraterrestrial activity as a possible explanation.
The report details US Navy pilots who said they had seen inexplicable aircraft that flew faster than anything ever developed on earth and were more maneuverable that anything seen before and the obvious conclusion many will jump to is that if it isn't man-made, then it must be alien made but what the report actually states is that they are UFO's with extra emphasis, italics and underlining of the Unidentified part of those three words.
The nearest star system to ours is Alpha Centauri 4.3 light-years away or 25 trillion miles.
The New Horizons spacecraft, travelling at 36,373 mph, took just shy of a decade to reach Pluto so if New Horizons was aimed toward the Alpha Centauri system it would take this spacecraft about 78,000 years to get there.
The sheer distance and time to travel from one star system to another could explain why nobody has turned up from other planets, could be they are on their way but as they only left on the trip to Earth 39,000 years ago so they are only halfway here.
Without doubt, out there somewhere there is a very high probability that someone or something is gazing towards our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Virgo Supercluster, tens of billions of light years away and wondering if any of those billions of solar systems in the billions of galaxies over there has life on a ball of rock going around just one of those stars and wondering if there is, have they visited them.
No and it is just as unlikely that we ever have the required technology to make the trip or they will turn up in spaceships here to say hi to us.

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